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Die Struktur wurde auf 80 cm hohen Pfeilern erhöht, um die Umweltbelastung zu minimieren und den Bodenkontakt zu verringern. Die bestehende Vegetationsdecke rund um das Gebäude wurde erhalten und kohlenstoffbindende Reben wurden hinzugefügt. Permakulturbereiche wurden geschaffen, um das Wachstum neuer Pflanzen zu ermöglichen und die Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeiter zu erfüllen. Diese Bereiche wurden mit erhöhten Pflanzgefäßen angelegt und im Winter mit Schutzmaterial abgedeckt, um sicherzustellen, dass sie vor Kälte geschützt sind. Das Dach des Gebäudes verfügt über ein Regenwassernutzungssystem, das das notwendige Wasser für das Abfallsystem, die Permakultur-Landwirtschaft und die kohlenstoffbindenden Reben liefert.

Visitors will be able to enjoy a leisurely stroll under the olive trees, savor an intimate concert, experience the ancient agricultural culture of the Aegean, and meet travelers from all around the world in spaces under a welcoming roof, blurring the boundaries between the outside natural world, just as in ancient production areas and olive groves, without walls, fences, barriers, or obstructions.

Building materials not only have an aesthetic impact that strengthens the atmosphere at the architectural scale, but they also gain importance with their ecological and economic dimensions. For Olivelo, environmental sensitivity has been considered in material choices for various scale structural elements extending from urban furniture to the building. Local and natural materials such as wood and stone have been preferred, and construction methods that leave minimal debris have been chosen. The building will be constructed using a single-story wooden frame system to lighten the structure. Socket foundations have been recommended to reduce excavation in the natural ground, and continuous foundations have been avoided. Reinforced concrete will only be used for foundations. In areas where construction is allowed within the park, the buildings have been designed to be lifted from the ground, minimizing their impact on both the above and below-ground natural life. Additionally, there are no basements in the structures. To maximize the relationship with nature and natural light, the facades have been made transparent, and sun control elements have been used both horizontally and vertically to minimize excessive exposure to sunlight.




Izmit, Türkei


März 2011